Artistic Guideposts
• Representation is everything. Misrepresentation is dangerous and damaging.
• Never be a cultural tourist. Listen to and uplift the voices of the people who live in the world being documented. Make everyone's lives better whenever possible. Everyone deserves to see themselves treated with dignity and respect.
• Most importantly, always look for the hero. In the darkest times, heroes are always there. Search for them, and pass on their stories, so that future generations may know... We are here. We have fought to be here. We have always been here.
Our Motivations
The stories of who we are as humans, where our place is in this complex world – our hero stories – are no longer passed down by oral tradition. They are contained in the pages of graphic novels, manga, comic strips, and movies.
Little Joey Brown Studio is about finding the hero stories in our past, removing them from the academic world of documentary, and bringing soul to their struggles through the realm of beautiful, emotional art and animation.
Our world has changed for the better only because imperfect humans stood up and became heroes. Little Joey Brown Studio celebrates those heroes, remembering them in their glories and imperfections, and, most importantly, passing along those hero stories to the next generations.
More than ever, we see this "passing along" of our own stories as a necessity; we can't afford to keep having our existences erased. In a world where LGBTQI2S+ stories are being censored and hidden, we have to make our own stories bigger and more inviting; honestly, that's an easy prospect, because our stories already are that: endearing, exciting, and just-plain-human drama.
As an autistic artist, I keep an eye on detail and quality in everything I work on. Nothing happens at my desk without care, passion, and dedication, whether it's something I've created, or work that I'm doing for others.